A Patient’s Guide to Liposuction Procedures
A household name, liposuction is known by many as a way to reduce the amount of fat on a person's body. Despite its popularity, those who are considering the procedure should have an informed understanding of liposuction—how it works and what it can accomplish.Conc...
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The Many Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
When it comes to plastic surgery, it is important to pick and choose the doctor you will be working with wisely. Regardless of whether your treatment involves more complex or invasive procedures, such as a tummy tuck, rhinoplasty or liposuction, or an outpatient procedure like BO...
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Good Candidate for Liposuction?
It's a problem many of us struggle with yet can’t do anything about. It pops up where least expected and refuses to go away. It can cause us to feel insecure and can diminish our quality of life. What is this terrible issue that plagues so many of us? Stubborn, excess...
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Miley Cyrus Plastic Surgery?
It's no secret that Miley Cyrus wants the world to know she is not the sweet, wholesome Disney Channel star she once was. In an effort to shed her squeaky clean image, the 20-year-old former “Hannah Montana” star has chopped off her hair, gotten over 15 tattoos...
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Arm Lift Plastic Surgery Up
As we get older or gain weight, the skin and muscles in our arms lose their tightness. Fat begins to develop, which can be extremely difficult to get rid of. But even for those of us who are able to maintain relatively toned arms, the problem of loose skin can still overcome us...
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Dr. David Shafer Honored with 2012 Patients’ Choice Award
When it comes to plastic surgery, it is important to pick and choose the doctor you will be working with wisely. Regardless of whether your treatment involves more complex or invasive procedures, such as a tummy tuck, rhinoplasty or liposuction, or an outpatient procedure like BO...
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