Archive for July, 2013

Full vs. Mini-Tuck Tuck

Did you know there is more than one type of tummy tuck procedure? A full tummy tuck removes excess skin & tightens the underlying muscles on the entire lower torso. There’s also a “mini-tummy tuck”, which tightens the skin only on the lower abdomen. Dr. Shafer can explain which procedure is right for you during […]

Fat Grafting and Breast Surgery

Recent studies show that techniques for breast augmentation surgeries are evolving. A survey found in the latest issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) medical journal, reveals that 70% of plastic surgeons in the United State have used fat grafting techniques for breast enhancement but most believe the treatment […]

MemoryShape Implants Approved by FDA

There are several different kinds of breast implant materials for patients to choose from. Some are filled with silicone, a gel-like substance that many believe mimics the feel of natural breasts, while others are filled with saline, a sterile salt water substance that can be used on patients as young as 18 years of age. […]

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