Archive for July, 2013

Why Sunglasses Are a Good Anti-Aging Investment

Anti-aging Tip: Invest in a good pair of sunglasses. Sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement. They protect our eyes from squinting on sunny days, which can lead to crow’s feet overtime. If you’ve already developed wrinkles around the eyes, Botox can temporarily erase & smooth out your existing fine lines.

Stay Dry in the Office with Botox

Stay dry in the office this summer. Botox in the underarms temporarily blocks the nerves that stimulate sweating for both men & women. Call us at to learn more.

New Microneedle Technology

The plastic surgery industry has always been one of transition and innovation. From its early days in the 1980s when liposuction first started becoming popular to the minimally invasive and natural-result producing treatments available these days, there are procedures that cater to nearly every body type and aesthetic goal, whether the issue at hand is […]

Dr. Shafer Quoted in New Aquavit Pharmaceuticals Press Release

Dr. David Shafer, Chief Medical Technology Officer for Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, was recently quoted in a press release about a licensing agreement with a new microneedle device technology. “It is an innovative delivery system for botulinum toxins and dermal fillers. I use it with Botox, hyaluronic acid-based fillers and vitamin combinations”. You can read the full […]

How to Achieve and Maintain Youthful Skin

A good formula to follow to achieve and maintain youthful skin includes: daily sunscreen + good diet & exercise + routine exfoliation. Exfoliation includes treatments such as laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels.

Why Men & Women with Darker Skin Tones Have Less Wrinkles

Men and women with darker skin tones tend to develop fewer wrinkles. That’s because melanin, the substance responsible for our hair & skin color, helps protect the skin against the harmful rays of the sun. Less sun damage equals fewer wrinkles.

Arm Lift Plastic Surgery Up

As we get older or gain weight, the skin and muscles in our arms lose their tightness. Fat begins to develop, which can be extremely difficult to get rid of. But even for those of us who are able to maintain relatively toned arms, the problem of loose skin can still overcome us. Luckily, plastic […]

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Patient Question: How does laser hair removal work? Dr. Shafer’s Answer: Laser hair removal works by sending an intense and precise beam of light to a group of hair-follicles, destroying the root of the hair, but not harming the surrounding skin. Our Cynosure Elite Aesthetic Workstation is ideal for removing unsightly hair for men & […]

The Secrets to a Youthful Appearance

Fun Fact Friday: The ideal facial shape for women, in general, is a triangle, where the cheeks & chin are fuller to restore the heart-shaped face of youth. Men, on the other hand, tend to look more youthful when the outer cheeks are strengthened to reveal a more masculine shaped face. Balanced facial features are […]

Gummy Bear Breast Implants

A new kind of breast implant is taking the U.S. by storm, becoming increasingly popular due to its shape and unique material – and quite possibly also for its appealing nickname. Nicknamed “Gummy Bears” after the popular chewy fruit candy, these innovative breast implants are the latest craze in both breast augmentation and breast reconstruction […]

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