Woman Panhandles for Breast Augmentation
We see them every day when we drive, panhandlers trying to get a couple of extra bucks here and there any way they can. However, it’s not every day that you see a woman panhandling for a breast augmentation.
In Pensacola, Florida, Christina Andrews can be seen walking down the intersection of W and Beverly Streets with a large pink sign that says: “Not Homeless Need Boobs.” Sure, at first glance, many might just shrug it off as a joke, but to Andrews, getting a breast augmentation is no laughing matter.
“I just want bigger boobs,” explained a hopeful Andrews to WEAR-TV. “People put out signs that they’re homeless. I’m not … so I’m just being honest.”
And while it may be a little drastic of an approach, Andrews’ panhandling boob job project seems to actually be paying off. According to the prospective breast enhancement surgery patient, some people have actually donated to her cause.
“I thought people would just laugh and keep riding, but they’re like hey here’s some money,” noted Andrews.
We still don’t know what kind of breast implants Andrews is hoping to get or how much money she has raised so far, but it would be in her best interest to know that many plastic surgeons offer special packages and payment options.
Here at Shafer plastic Surgery in New York, we take patient convenience to the next level by offering a special plastic surgery fly in program for prospective patients who are traveling from outside the state to work with Dr. David Shafer. We know that comfort and convenience can set the mood for any plastic surgery procedure and we want all of our patents to be as comfortable as possible before, during and after their treatments.
We applaud Andrews for her candor and her efforts, however. Yet, as strange as it may seem that someone would be willing to take to the streets to raise money for plastic surgery, it’s not the first time a woman has panhandled for money to undergo breast enhancement surgery.
In July 2012, 37-year-old Chrissy Lance asked for money at a street corner in Akron, Ohio for her breast augmentation surgery, holding a sign that read “Not Homeless! Need Boobs.”
Plastic surgery can completely transform an individual, drastically increasing their self esteem. And for a woman, breast augmentation surgery is an especially important treatment because it can give them the confidence they desire to feel more feminine and enjoy their physique.
It’s not all that surprising that any of these women would resort to such drastic measures to gain the confidence in their bodies that breast augmentation surgery can provide. There are several implant sizes and shapes to choose from, as well as a variety of breast implant fillers so women can choose their optimal breast cup size and feel.
If you have considered getting a breast augmentation, Dr. Shafer can help you decide which implant size and shape is best for your individual needs and physique. Call us today to schedule a consultation so we can help you look and feel your best.