We love the VBeam for so many issues such as redness, rosacea, facial flushing, broken capillaries, post-injection or post-surgical bruising, acne scars and even acne break outs.
What can you treat with Vbeam Perfecta?
- Acne Scars
- Facial Veins and Blood Vessels
- Alar nose vessels
- Leg Veins
- Broken Capillaries
- Rosacea
- Scars
- Stretch Marks
- Vascular Lesions
- Post-injection bruising
Before and After Patient Photos
Dark Circle Treatment: Replace Volume
“For dark circles, I recommend a multi-modality treatment,” says Dr. David Shafer, MD, FACS, a NYC-based plastic surgeon. “From the inside, you want to replace the volume that you lose with aging,” Dr. Shafer explains. If you notice a hollow-looking “trough” underneath your eyes, you’ve probably had some volume loss, and that’s what’s causing a dark, sunken appearance.
The solution? “We can use fillers for that,” Dr. Shafer says. A hyaluronic acid filler, such as Juvéderm or Restylane, will be able to fill in the area so that it becomes even with the surrounding areas of skin again.
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“Really a great job, your technical skill knowing the location and volume provided a very smooth and balanced result”
What is Vbeam?
VBeam Perfecta New York City | Shafer Plastic Surgery
Vbeam Perfecta Treatment at Shafer Plastic Surgery
VBeam Nose Vessels
Vbeam Perfecta Treatment
VBeam | Up Close
VBeam Laser Facial
VBeam and Pico Way Resolve
3 D Laser VBeam and Pico Way Resolve
Vbeam Broken Blood Vessels | Part 1
VBeam with Graceanne | Part 3
VBeam with Graceanne | Part 2