“Mons Pubis” refers to the fatty tissue located over the pubic bone of adult women. The size of the mons pubis can vary from woman to woman but is typically based on hormonal levels and body weight. Shafer Clinic Fifth Avenue Mons pubis reduction for women in New York City offers.

Candidates for Mons Pubis Reduction

Some women’s mons pubis, however, regardless of their overall body weight, can contain more fat that is less responsive to diet and exercise. In fact, even with weight loss, the mons pubis can remain disproportionately large compared to the thighs, abdomen, and legs. A mons pubis reduction can help reduce the size of the mons pubis and allow women to wear tighter fitting clothes without embarrassment.

Options for Mons Pubis Reduction

There are two surgical techniques, liposuction or surgical excision, which can reduce the size of the mons pubis. Deciding which surgical technique is ideal depends on the cause of the patient’s overly large mons pubis Liposuction, for example, is ideal for patients who have excessive fatty tissue. It’s also a slightly less invasive option compared to surgical excision. Surgical excision, however, is a better option for patients with excessive skin and fatty tissue caused by massive weight loss, massive weight gain, or multiple pregnancies. In some cases, a combination of both procedures is used. Dr. Shafer can discuss which surgical technique is best during your consultation.

During liposuction of the mons pubis, two tiny, concealed incisions are made, and extra fat is removed through a liposuction cannula. In some cases, a small surgical drain is placed for a few days to help reduce swelling and discomfort.

If a surgical excision is required, a tiny incision is made in the hairline of the pubic mound, where a c-section incision is typically located. This incision is then used to remove the excess skin and fatty tissue. It’s also common to have a surgical drain placed during surgical excision to help reduce swelling and discomfort.


Anesthesia: Twilight
Length of procedure: 1 Hour
Length of stay: Outpatient
Discomfort: Minimal
Side Effects: Minimal
Anticipate: For liposuction, anticipate 2-3 days of downtime. If surgical excision is required, anticipate one week of downtime before able to return to school or work.
Duration of results: Results are permanent unless you have large fluctuations in weight.


There will be some swelling and discomfort during the first few days of recovery. Most patients need around a week of downtime before they are able to return to work. Strenuous activity such as exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for a month or so.

Cost of Mons Pubis Reduction

Shafer Clinic Fifth Avenue offers financing options with CareCredit to help patients pay for their mons pubis reduction. Dr. Shafer can discuss payment options with you during the consultation process.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact Shafer Clinic Fifth Avenue in New York City today to schedule a consultation for your mons pubis reduction. We can provide you with the expert surgical care and beautiful-looking results you are looking for.

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