Award Winning Solo Performer Desperate to Get Rid of Her Double Chin Finds Dr. Shafer and Her Life is Transformed! – New York
Firstly, as a surgeon, this man is a miracle worker, as he combines supreme surgical expertise with exquisite artistry. This, I’m sure, is the main reason why he is rated as the TOP in his field. But also, Dr. Shafer listens. He will sit and hear your concerns. He is extremely unusual in this way. It is clear by all who spend time with Dr. Shafer in a consultation that he is one of the most open-hearted and empathic human beings you will ever meet. And these character traits are evident, as well, in his entire staff. His coordinator Eileen is gifted at making you feel at ease and anxiety free — and her kindness is palpable. I will go so far as to call Dr. Shafer a genius. Finding Dr. Shafer is one of the LUCKIEST things to ever happen to me in my life.